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Re: NOAA Satellite Active Archive IDL Imagery Display Tool

I put this routine together to read the NOAA-15 Level 1B 10-bit files from
SAA. I used it to help create this image:


Warning - very computer intensive. Something I hope to improve on later.

 If anyone makes any improvements, be should to let me know.

Kelly Dean

FUNCTION ReadKLM1B, unit, ARSstr, HEADstr, LinePre, LineSuf, Image
;      Read NOAA's 10-bit LAC/HRPT images
; Information about unpacking LAC/HRPT data can be found at:
;  http://www2.ncdc.noaa.gov:80/docs/podug/
;  http://www2.ncdc.noaa.gov:80/docs/klm/
;   OpenR, unit, filename, /GET_LUN, /SWAP_ENDIAN ! Assuming read on PC.
;   IF ( ReadKLM1B(unit, ARSstr, HEADstr, LinePre, LineSuf, L1BImage ) )
;     PRINT, ' Read >', filename,'...'
;     PRINT, ' Trouble with reading -', filename, '...'
;   Close, unit
;   Free_Lun, unit
;       unit - file unit number
;       ARSstr - Structure - Archive Retrieval System Record
;       HEADstr - Structure - Image header information
;       LinePre - Structure - Line prefix information
;       LineSuf - Structure - Line suffix information
;       L1Bimage - imager - 3-D array with 10-bit image data from 5 channels
( channel, width, length )
;       Works with 16-bit Level 1B files from the Satellite Active Archive
with imagery
;    from NOAA-15 ( NOAA-KLM series ) only.
;    Developed by Kelly Dean - CIRA/Colorado State University
HEADstr = { KLMLevel1B,          $ ; Data Set Header record format for
            SiteID:'   ',        $ ; Data Set Creation Site ID
            Blank0:' ',          $ ; Blank
            VerNum:0,            $ ; Level 1B Format Version Number
            VerYear:0,           $ ; Level 1B Format Version Year ( ex: 1999
            VerJday:0,           $ ; Level 1B Format Version Day of Year (
ex: 077 )
            Reserved0:0,         $ ; Reserved
            Reserved1:0,         $ ; Reserved
            NumHeadRec:0,        $ ; Number of Header Records
   Fill0:INTarr(3),     $ ; Zero filled
   dataset:STRING(' ',FORMAT='(A42)'), $ ; 42 character dataset name
            ProcID:'        ',   $ ; Processing Block ID
            SatID:0,             $ ; Satellite ID ( NOAA-15: 4 )
            InstrID:0,           $ ; Instrument ID
            DataType:0,          $ ; Data Type Code
            TIPSrc:0,            $ ; TIP Source Code
            StartDay:0L,         $ ; Start of Data Set Day ( since 1 Jan
1950 )
            StartYear:0,         $ ; Start of Data Set Year ( ex: 1999 )
            StartJDay:0,         $ ; Start of Data Set Julian Day ( ex: 079
            StartTime:0L,        $ ; Start of Data Set Time UTC (
millisecond )
            EndDay:0L,           $ ; End of Data Set Day ( since 1 Jan 1950
            EndYear:0,           $ ; End of Data Set Year ( ex: 1999 )
            EndJDay:0,           $ ; End of Data Set Julian Day ( ex: 079 )
            EndTime:0L,          $ ; End of Data Set Time UTC ( millisecond
            CYear:0,             $ ; Year of Last CPIDS Update ( ex: 1999 )
            CJDay:0,             $ ; Day of Year of Last CPIDS Update ( ex:
   Fill1:INTarr(4),     $ ; Zero filled
   InstrStatus1:0L,     $ ; Instrument Status ( in bits )
   Fill2:0,             $ ; Zero filled
   StatusChange:0,      $ ; Record Number of Status Change
   InstrStatus2:0L,     $ ; Second Instrument Status
   NumRec:0,            $ ; Count of Data Recods in this Data Set
   NumAnc:0,            $ ; Count of Calib and Earth Loc Scan lines
   NumMiss:0,           $ ; Count of missing scan lines
   NumGaps:0,           $ ; Count of Data Gaps in this Data Set
   NumFrames:0,         $ ; Count of Data Frames w/o Frame Sync Word Errors
   TIPErr:0,            $ ; Count of PACS Detected TIP Parity Error
   AuxErr:0,            $ ; Sum of All Auxiliary Sync Errors Detected in the
Input Data
   TimeErr:0,           $ ; Time Sequence Error
   TimeErrCode:0,       $ ; Time Sequence Error Code ( in bits )
   ClockUpdate:0,       $ ; SOCC Clock Update Indicator
   EarthLocErr:0,       $ ; Earth Location Error Indicator
   EarthLocErrCode:0,   $ ; Earth Location Error Indicator Code ( in bits )
   PACSstatus:0,        $ ; PACS Status Bit Field ( in bits )
   PACSSource:0,        $ ; PACS Data Source ( 1:Glimore, 2:Wallops, 3:SOCC
   Fill3:0L,            $ ; Zero Fill
   Reserved2:'        ', $ ; Reserved
   Reserved3:'        ', $ ; Reserved
   Fill4:INTarr(5),     $ ; Zero filled
   RampField:0,         $ ; Ramp/Auto Calibration Indicators Bit Field ( in
bits )
   SolarChanYear:0,     $ ; Year of Most Recent Solar Channel Calibration (
ex: 1999)
   SolarChanJDay:0,     $ ; Day of Year of Most Recent Solar Channel
Calibration ( ex: 079)
   AlgorID1:0,          $ ; Primary Calibration Algorithm
   AlgorIDOpt1:0,       $ ; Primary Calibration Algorithm Options ( in bits
   AlgorID2:0,          $ ; Second Calibration Algorithm
   AlgorIDOpt2:0,       $ ; Second Calibration Algorithm Options ( in bits )

   IR1coef1:0,          $ ; IR1 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 1
( * 10^2)
   IR1coef2:0,          $ ; IR1 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 2
( * 10^5 )
   IR1coef3:0,          $ ; IR1 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 3
( * 10^8 )
   IR1coef4:0,          $ ; IR1 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 4
( * 10^8 )
   IR1coef5:0,          $ ; IR1 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 5
( * 10^8 )
   IR1coef6:0,          $ ; IR1 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 6
( * 10^8 )
   IR2coef1:0,          $ ; IR2 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 1
( * 10^2)
   IR2coef2:0,          $ ; IR2 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 2
( * 10^5 )
   IR2coef3:0,          $ ; IR2 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 3
( * 10^8 )
   IR2coef4:0,          $ ; IR2 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 4
( * 10^8 )
   IR2coef5:0,          $ ; IR2 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 5
( * 10^8 )
   IR2coef6:0,          $ ; IR2 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 6
( * 10^8 )
   IR3coef1:0,          $ ; IR3 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 1
( * 10^2)
   IR3coef2:0,          $ ; IR3 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 2
( * 10^5 )
   IR3coef3:0,          $ ; IR3 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 3
( * 10^8 )
   IR3coef4:0,          $ ; IR3 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 4
( * 10^8 )
   IR3coef5:0,          $ ; IR3 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 5
( * 10^8 )
   IR3coef6:0,          $ ; IR3 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 6
( * 10^8 )
   IR4coef1:0,          $ ; IR4 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 1
( * 10^2)
   IR4coef2:0,          $ ; IR4 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 2
( * 10^5 )
   IR4coef3:0,          $ ; IR4 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 3
( * 10^8 )
   IR4coef4:0,          $ ; IR4 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 4
( * 10^8 )
   IR4coef5:0,          $ ; IR4 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 5
( * 10^8 )
   IR4coef6:0,          $ ; IR4 Target Temperature Conversion Coefficient 6
( * 10^8 )
   Fill5:Lonarr(2),     $ ; Fill
   Ch1Irrad:0L,         $ ; Channel 1 Solar Filter Irradiance in Wavelength
( * 10^1 )
   Ch1Width:0L,         $ ; Channel 1 Equivalent Filter Width in Wavelength
( * 10^3 )
   Ch2Irrad:0L,         $ ; Channel 2 Solar Filter Irradiance in Wavelength
( * 10^1 )
   Ch2Width:0L,         $ ; Channel 2 Equivalent Filter Width in Wavelength
( * 10^3 )
   Ch3Irrad:0L,         $ ; Channel 3a Solar Filter Irradiance in Wavelength
( * 10^1 )
   Ch3Width:0L,         $ ; Channel 3a Equivalent Filter Width in Wavelength
( * 10^3 )
   Ch3WavNum:0L,        $ ; Channel 3b Central Wavenumber ( * 10^2 )
            Ch3Const1:0L,        $ ; Channel 3b Constant 1 ( * 10^5 )
            Ch3Const2:0L,        $ ; Channel 3b Constant 2 ( * 10^6 )
   Ch4WavNum:0L,        $ ; Channel 4 Central Wavenumber ( * 10^2 )
            Ch4Const1:0L,        $ ; Channel 4 Constant 1 ( * 10^5 )
            Ch4Const2:0L,        $ ; Channel 4 Constant 2 ( * 10^6 )
   Ch5WavNum:0L,        $ ; Channel 5 Central Wavenumber ( * 10^2 )
            Ch5Const1:0L,        $ ; Channel 5 Constant 1 ( * 10^5 )
            Ch5Const2:0L,        $ ; Channel 5 Constant 2 ( * 10^6 )
   Fill6:LONarr(3),     $ ; Fill
   Ellipsoid:'        ', $ ; Reference Ellipsoid Model ID
   EarthNadir:0,        $ ; Nadir Earth Location Tolerance in Km ( * 10^1 )
   EarthLoc:0,          $ ; Earth Location Bit Field ( in bits )
   Fill7:0,             $ ; Fill
   RollAttErr:0,        $ ; Constant Roll Attitude Error in Degrees ( * 10^3
   PitchAttErr:0,       $ ; Constant Pitch Attitude Error in Degrees ( *
10^3 )
   YawAttErr:0,         $ ; Constant Yaw Attitude Error in Degree ( * 10^3 )

   EpochYear:0,         $ ; Epoch Year for Orbit Vector
   EpochJDay:0,         $ ; Epoch Day of Year for Orbit Vector
   EpochTime:0L,        $ ; Epoch UTC time of day in milliseconds for Orbit
   SemiAxis:0L,         $ ; Semi-Major Axis (km) ( * 10^5 )
   Eccen:0L,            $ ; Eccentricity  ( * 10^8 )
   Incl:0L,             $ ; Inclination ( degree ) ( * 10^5 )
   ArgPer:0L,           $ ; Argument of Perigee ( degree ) ( *10^5 )
   AscNode:0L,          $ ; Right Ascension of the Ascending Node ( degree )
(  * 10^5 )
   Mean:0L,             $ ; Mean Anomaly ( degree ) ( * 10^5 )
   PosVecX:0L,          $ ; Position Vector X Component (km) ( * 10^5 )
   PosVecY:0L,          $ ; Position Vector Y Component (km) ( * 10^5 )
   PosVecZ:0L,          $ ; Position Vector Z Component (km) ( * 10^5 )
   VecXdot:0L,          $ ; Velocity X-dot Component in (km/sec) ( * 10^8 )
   VecYdot:0L,          $ ; Velocity Y-dot Component in (km/sec) ( * 10^8 )
   VecZdot:0L,          $ ; Velocity Z-dot Component in (km/sec) ( * 10^8 )
   EarthSunDist:0L,     $ ; Earth/Sun Distance ratio ( * 10^6 )
   Fill8:LONarr(4),     $ ; Fill
            PatchTempCoef:INTarr(6), $ ; Patch Temperature Conversion
            PatchTempExtCoef:INTarr(6), $ ; Patch Temperature Extended
Conversion Coefficient
            PatchPowCoef:INTarr(6),  $ ; Patch Power Conversion Coefficient
            RadTempCoef:INTarr(6),   $ ; Radiator Temperature Conversion
            BBTempCoef1:INTarr(6),   $ ; Blackbody Temperature 1 Conversion
            BBTempCoef2:INTarr(6),   $ ; Blackbody Temperature 2 Conversion
            BBTempCoef3:INTarr(6),   $ ; Blackbody Temperature 3 Conversion
            BBTempCoef4:INTarr(6),   $ ; Blackbody Temperature 4 Conversion
            ElectCurrCoef:INTarr(6), $ ; Electronics Current Conversion
            MotorCurrCoef:INTarr(6), $ ; Motor Current Conversion
            EarthShieldCoef:INTarr(6), $ ; Earth Shield Position Conversion
            ElecTempCoef:INTarr(6),  $ ; Electronics Temperature Conversion
            CoolHouseCoef:INTarr(6), $ ; Cooler Housing Temperature
Conversion Coefiicient
            BaseTempCoef:INTarr(6),  $ ; Baseplate Temperature Conversion
            MotorHouseCoef:INTarr(6), $ ; Motor HousingTemperature
Conversion Coef
            ADTempCoef:INTarr(6),    $ ; A/D Converter Temperature
Conversion Coef
            Det4VCoef:INTarr(6),     $ ; Detector #4 Bias Voltage Conversion
            Det5VCoef:INTarr(6),     $ ; Detector #5 Bias Voltage Conversion
            BB3bView:INTarr(6),      $ ; Channel 3b Blackbody View
Conversion Coefficient
            BB4View:INTarr(6),       $ ; Channel 4 Blackbody View Conversion
            BB5View:INTarr(6),       $ ; Channel 5 Blackbody View Conversion
            RefVCoef:INTarr(6)       } ; Reference Voltage Conversion

ARSstr = { ArchiveRetrievalSystem,           $ ; Archive Retrieval System
           Cost:'      ',                    $ ; Cost Number
           SAA:'        ',                   $ ; SAA Number
           CYear:'    ',                     $ ; Order Creation Year ( ex:
1999 )
           CDOY:'   ',                       $ ; Order Creation Day of Year
( ex: 072 )
           PSite:' ',                        $ ; Processing Site Code (
A:SAA, S: NCDC/Suitland, N: NCDC/Asheville )
           PSoft:'        ',                 $ ; Processing Software ID
           Name:STRING(' ',FORMAT='(A42)'),  $ ; Date Set Name
           Blank0:'  ',                      $ ; Blank
           SFlag:' ',                        $ ; Select Flag ( T: Total S:
Selective )
           BLat:'   ',                       $ ; Beginning Latitude
           ELat:'   ',                       $ ; Ending Latitude
           BLon:'    ',                      $ ; Beginning Longitude
           ELon:'    ',                      $ ; Ending Longitude
           SHour:'  ',                       $ ; Starting Hour (UTC)
           SMinute:'  ',                     $ ; Starting Minute
           Duration:'   ',                   $ ; Number of Minutes
           AppFlag:' ',                      $ ; Appended Data
           Channel:STRING(' ',FORMAT='(A20)'), $ ; Channel Select Flag
           Blank1:STRING(' ',FORMAT='(A29)'),  $ ; Blank
           ADFlag:' ',                       $ ; Ascend/Descend Flag ( A:
Ascending, D:Descending, B:Both )
           BegLat:'   ',                     $ ; Begining Latitude
           EndLat:'   ',                     $ ; Ending Latitude
           BegLon:'    ',                    $ ; Begining Longitude
           EndLon:'    ',                    $ ; Ending Longitude
           Format:STRING(' ',FORMAT='(A20)'),$ ; Data Format
           RecSize:'      ',                 $ ; Size of record (octets)
           NumRec:'      ',                  $ ; Number of Records,
including ARS and Data Set Header Records
           Padded:BYTarr(319)                } ; Padding
;  Create header structure of data record
Info = { ScanLineInfo,   $ ; Scan Line Information
         Num:0,          $ ; Scan Line Number
         Year:0,         $ ; Scan Line Year ( ex: 1999 )
         JDay:0,         $ ; Scan Line Day of Year ( ex: 079 )
         ClockDelta:0,   $ ; Satellite CLock Drift Delta ( milliseconds )
         Time:0L,        $ ; Scan Line UTC Time of Day in ( millisecond )
         Bit:0,          $ ; Scan Line bit field ( Channel 3 select bit 1 )
         Fill0:INTarr(5) } ; Zero Fill

indicators = { QualityIndicators , $ ; Quality Indicators
               BitField:0L,        $ ; Bit Field ( ( in bits )
               Scan:0L,            $ ; Scan Line Quality Flags ( in bit )
               Calib:INTarr(3),    $ ; Calibration Quality Flags
               BitErr:0,           $ ; Count of Bit Error in Frame Sync
               Fill1:LONarr(2)     } ; Zero Fill

VSCal = { VisibleCalibration, $ ; Visible Calibration
          Slope1:0L,          $ ; Slope 1 ( * 10^7 )
          Intercept1:0L,      $ ; Intercept 1 ( * 10^6 )
          Slope2:0L,          $ ; Slope 2 ( * 10^7 )
          Intercept2:0L,      $ ; Intercept 2 ( * 10^6 )
          Intersection:0L     } ; Intersection

IRCal = { InfraredCalibration, $ ; Infrared Calibration
          Coef1:0L,            $ ; Coefficient 1 ( * 10^6 )
          Coef2:0L,            $ ; Coefficient 2 ( * 10^6 )
          Coef3:0L             } ; Coefficient 3 ( * 10^6 )

Calib = { CalibrationCoefficient, $ ; Calibration Coefficients
          OperCh1:VSCal,          $ ; Visible Operational Calibration
          TestCh1:VSCal,          $ ; Visible Test Calibation
          PrelCh1:VSCal,          $ ; Visible Prelaunch Calibration
          OperCh2:VSCal,          $ ; Visible Operational Calibration
          TestCh2:VSCal,          $ ; Visible Test Calibation
          PrelCh2:VSCal,          $ ; Visible Prelaunch Calibration
          OperCh3a:VSCal,         $ ; Visible Operational Calibration
          TestCh3a:VSCal,         $ ; Visible Test Calibation
          PrelCh3a:VSCal,         $ ; Visible Prelaunch Calibration
          OperCh3b:IRCal,         $ ; Infrared Operational Calibration
          TestCh3b:IRCal,         $ ; Infrared Test Calibation
          OperCh4:IRCal,          $ ; Infrared Operational Calibration
          TestCh4:IRCal,          $ ; Infrared Test Calibation
          OperCh5:IRCal,          $ ; Infrared Operational Calibration
          TestCh5:IRCal,           $ ; Infrared Test Calibation
          Fill3:LONarr(3)         } ; Zero Fill

LatLon = REPLICATE({EarthLoc, latitude:0L,longitude:0L},51)

Angle  = REPLICATE({ Angular, $  ; Angular Relationship
                     Solar:0, $  ; Solar Zenith Angle ( * 10^2 )
                     Sat:0,   $  ; Satellite Zenith Angle ( * 10^2 )
                     Az:0   },$  ; Relative Azimuth Angle ( * 10^2)
                     51       )  ; Replicate this structure 51 times

nav = { Navigation,          $ ; Navigation
        StatusBit:0L,        $ ; NStatus Bit Field ( in Bit )
        TimeTIPAng:0L,       $ ; Time Associated with TIP Euler Angle (
seconds )
        TIPAngle:INTarr(3),  $ ; TIP Euler Angles, Roll, Pitch Yaw ( degree
) ( * 10^3 )
        AltRef:0,            $ ; Spacecraft Altitude above Reference
Ellipsoid (km) ( * 10^1)
        Angle:Angle,         $ ; Angular Relationships - Structure
        Fill4:INTarr(3),     $ ; Zero Fill
        EarthLoc:LatLon,     $ ; Earth Location - Structure
        Fill5:LONarr(2)      } ; Zero Fill
Telemetry = { Telemetry,     $ ; HRPT Minor Frame Telemetry
              FrameSync:INTarr(6),  $ ; Frame Sync
              ID:INTarr(2),         $ ; ID ( in bit )
              TimeCode:INTarr(4),   $ ; Time Code ( in bit )
              Telemetry:INTarr(10), $ ; Telemetry ( in bit )
              BackScan:INTarr(30),  $ ; Back Scan
              SpaceData:INTarr(50), $ ; Space Data
              SyncDelta:0,          $ ; Sync Delta ( in bit )
              Fill6:0               } ; Zero Fill
LACpre = { LACprefix,            $ ; Format of LAC/HRPT data record NOAA-KLM

           Scan:info,            $ ; Scan Line Information - structure
           Quality:Indicators,   $ ; Quality Indicators - structure
           Calib:Calib,          $ ; Calibration Coefficients - structure
           Nav:Nav,              $ ; Navigation - structure
           Telemetry:Telemetry   } ; HRPT Minor Frame Telemetry
;  Create tail structure of data record
LACsuf = { LACsuffix,            $ ;
           Fill1:LONarr(2),      $ ; Zero fill
           BadBit1:0,            $ ; Invalid Word Bit Flags ( in bits )
           BData:0,              $ ; AVHRR Digital B Data
           Fill2:LONarr(3),      $ ; Zero fill
           BadBit2:0L,           $ ; Invalid Word Bit Flags ( in bits )
           InstrTemp:BYTarr(22), $ ; Instrument Temperatures
           Fill3:INTarr(3),      $ ; Zero fill
           CLAVR:0L,             $ ; Clouds from AVHRR
           Reserved:0L,          $ ; Reserved
           CCM:INTarr(256),      $ ; Clear/Cloudy/Mixed
           Fill4:LONarr(94)      } ; Zero fill
; Read Record 1
; Archive Retrieval System Record
;   Users can verify which selection criteria were used by checking the ARS
Header record.
ReadU, unit, ARSstr
; Read Record 2
;  The first record contains the Data Set Header. The values need to be
swapped. The data files are generated
;  on an IBM.
ReadU, unit, HEADstr
;Determine the number of channels
  nchan = 5
  PRINT, ' What do I do here >', ARSstr.channel
;  Determine number of elements ( always 2048 ) and lines
nx = 2048
ny = LONG(HEADstr.NumRec)
;  Create structure to be used to read the file's data section
  DataRecords =
; Skip the the first three records and jump to starting point of data
POINT_LUN, unit, LONG(ARSstr.RecSize) + 512L
NumRec = LONG(ARSstr.NumRec)
ReadU, unit, DataRecords
; Reverse last dimension of line documentation
LinePre   = DataRecords((ny-1)-INDGEN(ny)).LnHead
LineSuf   = DataRecords((ny-1)-INDGEN(ny)).LnTail
; Unpack 10-bit values
dim1   = 3414
pack   = INTarr(3*dim1*ny)
index1 = LINDGEN(dim1-1) * 3
index2 = LINDGEN(dim1-1) * 3 + 1
index3 = LINDGEN(dim1) * 3 + 2
Print, ' Unpacking 10 bit image data...'
ii = 0
FOR ii = 0, NY - 1 DO BEGIN
  video = REFORM(DataRecords(ii).video, dim1)
  pack(index3) = FIX(video AND '3FF'X)
  pack(index2) = FIX(ISHFT(video(0:3412),-10) AND '3FF'X)
  pack(index1) = FIX(ISHFT(video(0:3412),-20) AND '3FF'X)
  index1 = index1 + ( 3 * dim1 ) - 2
  index2 = index2 + ( 3 * dim1 ) - 2
  index3 = index3 + ( 3 * dim1 ) - 2
Print, ' Trim array to new size...',nchan * nx * ny
trim      = LONG(nchan * nx * ny) - 1L
TrimPack  = pack(0:trim)
image     = REFORM(TrimPack,nchan,nx,ny)
; Return with status.
status = 1

RETURN, status