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Re: Expanding IDL's list of approved image formats

Michael Cugley (mjcugley@medphys.dundee.ac.uk) writes:

> Is there a (relatively) painless way to convince IDL to accept a new
> image format?  I'm writing an application that has to load in the
> currently approved types *and* ACR/NEMA files.  It'd be most convenient
> if I could just get IDL to add ACR/NEMA to its list of formats, and then
> use the inbuilt image loading/writing dialogs and routines...
> Can anyone help?

I think the most effective strategy would be a hunger strike.
Not only is it (relatively) painless, but with a handful of
us dying every day, RSI would have no choice but to capitulate
quickly. The hard part will be publicising that there are
thousands of us out here willing to die for...what was
the name of that format, again?

Power to the people!



David Fanning, Ph.D.
Fanning Software Consulting
Phone: 970-221-0438 E-Mail: davidf@dfanning.com
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.dfanning.com/
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